Place to Invest
Smart investors know that when there is opportunity on the horizon, the time to invest is now. The District of Guysborough’s horizon is ablaze with opportunities – in transportation, mining, tourism and oil and natural gas. A decade ago, it was all about oil and gas, which comes ashore at Goldboro on the District’s south shore. Today interest is focused on LNG export in both Goldboro and Melford. The Strait of Canso is universally regarded as the finest deep water harbour on the east coast. Already, in terms of total tonnage, it is Canada’s second busiest port.
The Strait of Canso is a superport-in-waiting, and the waiting is about over. With Maher Terminals of New Jersey onboard development of a major container terminal and logistics park at Melford is becoming a reality. The site is a green field, unencumbered by urban encroachment or antiquated systems. It will boast the most highly efficient logistical and security technology available. There is room to grow adjacent the site and the water is deep enough to accommodate any vessel on the oceans or any conceived. Maher operates the Prince Rupert Terminal in British Columbia and sees Melford as the emerging east coast equivalent
Natural gas from Exxon Mobil’s Sable project and from EnCana’s Deep Panuke development, comes ashore in the district and four LNG export facilities with a total investment value of over $20 billion are planned. Also in the energy sector, the north eastern section of the district in particular has immense wind energy potential.
The District hosts Martin Marietta’s highly efficient aggregate mining operation near Mulgrave on the Strait of Canso. A second aggregate quarry development led by Vulcan Materials Ltd. is planned farther east in the District. Guysborough County has a long gold mining heritage, and new, commercially-viable gold deposits have been identified in several locations along with many other promising finds.
The District of Guysborough has what more and more people the world over are seeking in their leisure time. Peace, quiet and nature. Unspoiled natural beauty, rugged coast lines, fabulous sand beaches, pristine inland waterways. They are all here. Development of a new distillery by Authentic Seacoast will be completed in 2015.
The local government, the Municipality of the District of Guysborough, along with its partners in the economic future of the area, are able and ready to help potential investors big, small and in between to understand and seize the opportunities that are on the near horizon